CMC News + Courses + Events

  • April 22: Join us for our next Mindfulness & Compassion Grand Rounds at Harvard Medical School session as we hear from Caverly Morgan with her talk titled The Myth of Self-Improvement: Returning to the Heart of Who We Are. Attend live over Zoom by registering here for the link; a recording will also be sent to all who register, typically the following day. CE can only be given to those who attend live.

  • May 8, 2024: Join our 8-week Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) program and learn to effectively respond to emotional challenges. This program allows you to transform your relationship with difficult thoughts and feelings, fostering self-care and enhancing your resilience. Sliding scale pricing! Learn more and register here.

  • June 13: New program from CMC! Mindful Healthcare Scholars teaches healthcare professionals to bring evidence-based mindfulness based programing into their own healthcare institution, based on our years of experience integrating with Cambridge Health Alliance. Applications open now; year-long program starts June 2024.

  • Visit our Mindful Mental Health page for more information on clinical programs covered by insurance.


We at CMC denounce acts of all forms of violence and racism. We denounce the persistent and dehumanizing systematic brutality against Black, Indigenous, and all communities of Color. We condemn oppression and its impact on intergenerational trauma, health, and well-being at the individual, community, and global levels.

Belonging, Equity and Anti-Racism at CMC
CMC is engaging in reflection as individuals and as an organization with support from our internal committee, BEAR (Belonging, Equity, and Anti-Racism).  BEAR formed in the wake of the murder of George Floyd and the escalation of the Black Lives Matter movement, with support from the Seven Stones Embodying Anti-Racism and Healing Collective Trauma course in 2021. In BEAR, we facilitate discussion, intentional reflection, and Center-wide change for and within our staff, volunteers, group leaders, clinical faculty, and leadership. In particular, the committee operates with an understanding that those with the most structual power (e.g., white, upper class, cisgender, male) have the main role and accountability in dismantling the systems they benefit from (e.g., white body supremacy) and creating culture (e.g., collectivist anti-racist white culture) that actively fulfills this aim, particularly within cross-cultural mindfulness teaching and research. To read more, please visit the BEAR page.

If you have a concern, comment, or request for the ways CMC can improve its mission to support belonging, equity and anti-racism, please email